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How to Maintain and Extend the Lifespan of Your Carpet: Expert Tips for a Clean and Cosy Home



Welcome to our comprehensive guide on carpet maintenance – your go-to resource for keeping your carpets fresh, clean, and long-lasting. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or a newbie in the realm of carpet care, we've got you covered with expert advice and practical tips. Carpets are not just floor coverings; they're investments that add warmth and comfort to your home. However, without proper care, they can quickly become dingy, stained, and worn out. But fear not! With the right techniques and a little TLC, you can ensure your carpets stay looking and feeling their best for years to come. So, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of carpet maintenance and uncover the secrets to a clean and cosy home.


Vacuuming techniques and frequency

Carpets accumulate dirt, dust, and debris daily, so regular vacuuming is essential to keep them looking fresh. Set a schedule to vacuum high-traffic areas at least twice a week and less frequented areas once a week. Use a vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush or beater bar to lift dirt and fluff the carpet fibres, ensuring a thorough clean.


Removing shoes at the door

Removing shoes before entering the house is a simple yet effective way to prevent dirt and grime from being tracked onto your carpets. Consider placing a shoe rack or basket near the entrance to encourage family members and guests to kick off their shoes before stepping onto the carpet.


Using doormats and area rugs strategically

Utilise doormats and area rugs strategically to protect high-traffic areas and minimise wear and tear on your carpets. Place doormats at all entry points to trap dirt and moisture from shoes, and use area rugs in heavily trafficked areas like hallways and living rooms to provide an extra layer of protection.


Common household stain sources

Spills and stains are inevitable, but knowing how to prevent and treat them promptly can save your carpets from permanent damage. Be proactive and establish household rules for eating and drinking in carpeted areas, and encourage family members to use spill-proof containers for beverages.


Immediate action steps for spills

In the event of a spill, act quickly. Use a clean, white cloth or paper towel to blot up the liquid. Don't rub because it'll only make the stain harder to remove. Once you've blotted up as much liquid as possible, treat the stain with a mild carpet cleaner or homemade solution.


DIY stain removal solutions

DIY stain removal solutions are a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to store-bought carpet cleaners. Common household ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap can be used to tackle a variety of stains, from coffee and wine to pet accidents and grease spots.


Importance of professional cleaning

While regular vacuuming and spot cleaning can help maintain your carpets, nothing beats the deep cleaning power of a professional carpet cleaning service. Professional cleaners use specialised equipment and cleaning solutions to penetrate deep into the carpet fibres and remove embedded dirt and grime.


Different types of professional cleaning methods

Different types of professional cleaning methods include steam cleaning (hot water extraction), dry cleaning (low-moisture cleaning), and bonnet cleaning (surface cleaning). The best method for your carpets will depend on factors such as carpet type, level of soiling, and manufacturer recommendations.


How often should you schedule professional cleaning

It's recommended to schedule a professional carpet cleaning at least once a year to keep your carpets looking their best and prolong their lifespan. However, households with pets, children, or allergy sufferers may require more frequent cleanings to maintain a healthy indoor environment.


Utilising carpet protectors and mats

High-traffic areas like entryways, hallways, and living rooms are more prone to wear and tear from foot traffic, so it's important to take proactive steps to protect these areas. Consider using carpet protectors and mats in high-traffic zones to minimise damage from shoes, furniture, and pet claws.


Rearranging furniture periodically

Rearranging furniture periodically can help distribute weight and wear more evenly across your carpets, preventing premature wear in specific areas. Avoid dragging heavy furniture across carpets, as this can cause fibres to become crushed and matted over time.


Rotating rugs to distribute wear evenly

Rotating rugs and carpets regularly can also help prevent uneven wear and fading. If you have area rugs or carpet runners in your home, rotate them every few months to ensure that they wear evenly and maintain their appearance.


Immediate cleanup steps for pet accidents

Pet accidents are a common cause of carpet stains and odours, but with the right approach, you can effectively clean up messes and prevent long-term damage to your carpets. When accidents happen, act quickly to blot up as much liquid as possible using paper towels or a clean cloth.


Dealing with pet odours

Once you've removed the excess moisture, treat the affected area with a pet-specific carpet cleaner or a homemade solution of vinegar and water. Avoid using steam cleaners or high-heat methods, as these can set stains and odours into the carpet fibres.


Preventive measures for pet-related damage

To prevent future accidents, consider using pet-friendly deterrents or training your pets to use designated potty areas. Regular grooming and nail trimming can also help minimise shedding and scratching, reducing the risk of damage to your carpets.


Basic tools every homeowner should have

Every homeowner should have a basic toolkit for carpet repair and maintenance, including items like a carpet knife, seam roller, and carpet adhesive. These tools can be used to tackle common issues like loose seams, frayed edges, and minor tears or burns.


DIY carpet repair techniques

DIY carpet repair techniques can save you time and money, but it's important to know when to call in a professional for more complex repairs. If you're unsure about how to fix a problem or if the damage is extensive, it's best to consult with a professional carpet repair technician.


When to call in a professional

When hiring a professional, be sure to research their qualifications and credentials and ask for references from satisfied customers. A reputable carpet repair technician will assess the damage to your carpets and provide a detailed estimate for the repair work before starting any work.


Effects of sunlight exposure on carpet

Environmental factors like sunlight exposure, humidity levels, and moisture can all affect the condition of your carpets over time. To minimise sun damage, consider using blinds, curtains, or UV-blocking window film to reduce exposure to direct sunlight.


Managing humidity levels

Managing indoor humidity levels is crucial for preventing mould and mildew growth, which can thrive in damp carpet fibres. Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to maintain indoor humidity levels between 30-50%, especially in humid climates or during the summer months.


Preventing mould and mildew growth

In areas prone to moisture buildup, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, consider using moisture-resistant carpeting or area rugs to prevent mould and mildew growth. Be sure to clean up spills and moisture promptly to prevent mould and mildew from taking hold.


Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You've reached the end of our guide on carpet maintenance. By implementing the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can ensure that your carpets stay looking and feeling their best for years to come. From daily maintenance routines to professional cleaning services, we've covered everything you need to know to keep your carpets clean, fresh, and long-lasting.


So go ahead, put our advice into action, and enjoy a clean and cosy home every day. And remember, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your carpets, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional carpet cleaner for expert advice and assistance. Happy cleaning!

To learn more about Maintaining and Extending the Lifespan of Your Carpet, please explore the website of PCCL.



Six Upholstery Cleaning Mistakes You Need To Steer Clear Of



Cleaning the upholstery is crucial to your furniture’s longevity; that’s why you need to know how to deal with the chore properly. While keeping the upholstery spotless might seem simple, many people make mistakes that ruin the delicate surface. Check the most significant cleaning mistakes you are likely to make when cleaning the upholstery and try to avoid them.


Here are the Six Upholstery Cleaning Mistakes You Need To Steer Clear Of


Using too much water

Using too much water is one of the most common upholstery cleaning mistakes, as water can cause the fabric to shrink, stretch or even become discoloured. It can also damage the padding or frame of the furniture. To avoid this cleaning mistake, use only a tiny amount of water when cleaning your upholstery. If you are adding a cleaning solution, follow the instructions on the label and use only the recommended amount.


Not testing the cleaning solution first

Another common upholstery cleaning mistake is not testing the cleaning solution before using it on the entire piece of furniture. That’s because different fabrics react differently to cleaning solutions, and while some may react to the product as expected, others may be more sensitive and get damaged. So instead of treating the upholstery right away, test the cleaning solution on a small, hidden area of the fabric first. Wait a few minutes to see if there is any unwanted reaction; if there are no negative effects, you can clean the entire piece of furniture.


Going for the wrong cleaning solution

When it comes to the mixture you want to apply on the upholstery, picking the wrong one can be as harmful as not testing the product first. To stay on the safe side, always read the care instructions for your furniture and use a cleaning solution appropriate for the fabric. Applying DIY cleaning mixtures prepared with eco-friendly ingredients is also a good idea since such solutions are gentle enough and pose no threat to the upholstery.


Scrubbing the surface vigorously

When cleaning upholstery, you must address the task gently and avoid scrubbing too hard. Scrubbing can damage the fabric or cause it to peel off, making it look outworn in no time. Once you clean the upholstery, gently scrub the surface with a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth. Apply only a small amount of pressure and work in circular motions. If you face a stubborn stain, be patient and persistent and avoid the temptation to scrub too vigorously.


Skipping vacuuming

Before cleaning your upholstery, never forget to vacuum the surface first, as doing so will banish loose dirt, dust or debris, making upholstery cleaning easier. Not vacuuming before cleaning can make the cleaning process less effective and even cause the dirt to spread further into the fabric. Furthermore, remember to rely on a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove any loose dirt or debris from the fabric gently. Pay special attention to the areas where people sit, as these tend to accumulate the most grime. The seams are also areas you should focus on.


Not wait for the upholstery to dry

Once you are done cleaning it, providing enough time to dry completely before using it again is necessary. Not considering this rule is a typical mistake that can cause the fabric to become damp or even mouldy. To speed up drying, you should open the windows or use a powerful fan. Avoid sitting on or using the furniture until it gets completely dry.


Well-maintained upholstery can extend the longevity of your furniture more than you believe. Do your best to avoid these common cleaning mistakes so your pieces look their best for many years.


© PCCL Ltd


A Step-by-Step Guide to Deep Cleaning the Upholstery

No matter how careful you are, upholstered furniture can get dirty before you know it. Stains, spills, dust, wear and tear can shorten the longevity of your beautiful pieces in no time, but with the proper cleaning methods, you can keep the upholstery looking its best for longer.


Check on the cleaning guidelines below so as to deep clean upholstered furniture like a pro:


Get to know the code

Before picking a proper cleaning technique for your upholstery, you should check the label, focusing on the code. The latest furniture pieces come with a tag that will guide you through the cleaning process, as each code identifies the cleaning methods allowed. You should bear in mind that while some fabrics can be cleaned with water-based solutions, others can’t. On the other hand, some particular types of fabrics demand only professional cleaning. To determine what’s best for your upholstered couch or cushions, get to know the cleaning code and apply a treatment.


Vacuum clean

Vacuum cleaning is one of the best DIY cleaning approaches you can rely on to get rid of dust and debris trapped in the upholstery. Your precious vacuum cleaner provides an upholstery attachment for a reason, and you should benefit from it at least once a week to ensure your furniture stays sparkly clean. Unlike the carpet, however, the upholstery could be trickier to vacuum, as you should never forget to go over the sides, the back and underneath your upholstered pieces. Even if your couch is up against the wall, vacuum cleans the back side properly, as dust can be found everywhere around the house. As for those tiny spaces like the seams and the furniture frame, switch to the crevice attachment of the vacuum cleaner to remove dust, dirt and crumbs.


Get rid of stains

Assuming the cleaning code allows it, with your upholstery dust-free, you can move on with a proper spot treatment. If you need to remove spills and stains that are still fresh, start the cleaning procedure by gently blotting the mess with paper towels. Never rub or scrub a stain, as you may spread it further or push it deeper into the fibres. Dried solid messes should be addressed with a dull object like a credit card or a soft-bristled brush. Mix a quarter cup of liquid dish soap and a cup of warm water in a handy bowl for upholstery that can handle a water-based cleaning solution. Use a clean sponge to transfer the mixture from the bowl to the stained surface. After the stain vanishes, rinse with water and allow the upholstery to dry. If your label says no water-based mixtures should be applied, follow the guidelines on the dry cleaning product you purchased.

Clean the entire upholstered surface

For upholstered furniture covered with old stains; you should clean the entire surface to make it brand-new. Prepare your cleaning solution by mixing a gallon of warm water with a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. This less concentrated cleaning mixture can be transferred to the upholstery with the help of a clean sponge or a soft microfiber cloth. Make sure you wipe the fabric in small sections without allowing water to reach the metal elements of the furniture. Otherwise, you risk causing tough-to-remove rust stains. Once you are done wiping, rinse the upholstery with another clean cloth soaked in water. To let the surface dry faster, blot with a dry cloth or leave the fan on for a while.

Use this simple step-by-step guide whenever your upholstered furniture requires deep cleaning or just a little refreshment.


© PCCL Ltd

Keep the Carpet Dust-free for Longer with These Six Tips


Carpets are beautiful and ensure extra cosiness at home, but they can be extremely tough to maintain, especially if you have a shaggy carpet installed. If you think about it, constantly trapping dust is one of your carpet’s greatest disadvantages.

To keep your gorgeous carpet free from dust for longer, use these clever dust-managing approaches:

Vacuum clean often

If minimising dust on the carpet is on your agenda, you should take out the vacuum cleaner as regularly as possible. By vacuum cleaning routinely, you can reduce not only the carpet’s exposure to dust but also prevent fibre damage contamination may cause. While vacuuming, ensure you address any nook of the carpet and always take time to do the job effectively. If someone makes a mess on the carpet, vacuum clean it immediately to avoid carpet staining. In case you live with small kids or pets, vacuum cleaning at least twice or three times a week is a must. In other cases, weekly vacuuming should be enough to keep dust off the carpet.

Clean hard surfaces just as often

Hard surfaces surrounding your carpet trap just as much dust, and if left untended for a long time, dust will eventually land on the carpet. To avoid extra dust on the carpet, don’t forget to address hard surfaces regularly. You don’t have to use a chemical agent to wipe the dust from hard surfaces at home – a microfiber cloth is all you need to keep well-tended areas clean. Wipe the shelves, the TV, and the coffee table with a microfiber cloth at least once a week to keep the carpet dust-free for longer.

Reduce clutter

You may not realise it, but all your belongings are prone to trapping dust to some extent. When it comes to clutter-makers, you should reduce those to a minimum so that the carpet stays dust-free. Stick to a minimalistic lifestyle, and you will have to spend much less time cleaning the carpet.

Don’t walk on the carpet with the shoes on

If you are used to stepping on the clean carpet with your outdoor footwear, this is a habit you need to change as soon as possible. Dirt tracked from the outside will likely cause severe carpet staining and more dust than you can imagine. To keep carpeted floors looking their best, banish grimy shoes from them and use soft, clean slippers instead.

Invest in an air purifier

Another smart method to maintain the carpet free from dust is a quality air purifier. The device is meant to capture and eliminate dust, preventing it from landing on the carpet. Many factors can cause dust in the air at home, but once you notice the pollutant floating around for days, purchasing an air purifier should go on your to-do list. In addition to keeping the carpet dust-free, with the help of an air purifier, you will also be able to boost the quality of indoor air.

Book a professional carpet cleaning service

All DIY carpet cleaning techniques work wonders to banish dust from the carpet, yet expert cleaners should do their magic from time to time. Professional carpet cleaners own the equipment to pull out deeply embedded dust that a regular vacuum cleaner would have difficulty eliminating. Furthermore, the pros can take care of germs and bacteria hiding in your beautiful carpeted floors. You should benefit from a professional carpet cleaning service once or twice a year to ensure your carpet is ideally clean.

Dust is a tough pollutant to eliminate, but you can take smart actions and significantly minimise your carpet’s exposure to contamination.


© PCCL Ltd


The Ultimate Stain Removal Carpet Cleaning Guide



If you think about it, stains are the most annoying problem you face with your carpet daily. No matter how careful you are, accidents happen all the time – from spilling your coffee to your pet leaving you an unpleasant surprise on the rug. To win the fight against permanent carpet stains, you should master a few cleaning hacks that can help you to tackle even the toughest mess. Here’s what you need to do once a nasty carpet stain occurs:


  • Deal with liquid spills – water, milk, juice or ketchup spilt on the carpet can cause a permanent stain unless treated on time. To effectively handle these challenging messes, absorb as much of the liquid as possible using a clean white towel or paper towels. Now grab an empty spraying bottle and mix a quarter cup of white distilled vinegar with the same amount of water. Apply your eco-friendly carpet cleaning solution to the affected part of the rug and wait for about 15 minutes before you blot the stain with a clean towel. If necessary, repeat the treatment a few more times until the mess disappears completely.


  • Deal with oily food stains – all sorts of food products can leave a greasy stain on the carpet, so do your best to act on the mess fast. Take a clean white towel or a white cloth and apply a little carpet cleaning detergent on it. Or if you prefer to stay on the eco-friendly side, spray the towel with your natural white vinegar cleaning mixture. Dap the stain gently and after that rinse the surface with lukewarm water. Now it’s time for you to wait for the carpet to dry before you check on the stain. Do you still notice signs of food residue? If that’s the case, just repeat the cleaning procedure a few more times.


  • Deal with regular dirt stains – dirt and mud brought indoors might leave ugly stains on the carpet, especially if you take advantage of a light-coloured rug. Fortunately, you can easily eliminate those stains using only environmentally safe cleaning techniques. But before reaching for your solutions, you should vacuum clean the carpet to collect hard particles. As this step has been completed, take the spraying bottle with white vinegar mixture and spritz the solution on the stain. Wait for about 15 minutes before you blot the surface with a clean white towel. Another smart hack to tackle regular dirt stains on the carpet is to apply shaving cream. Rub the product into any affected spot on your rug and you will be able to once again enjoy the bright colours of the carpet.


  • Deal with pet stains – pet stains are the most unpleasant carpet messes you might face, yet you can eliminate them faster than you think. Grab some paper towels and absorb as much of the liquids as possible or use the towels to collect hard messes. Then spray the area with your eco-friendly white vinegar mixture and let it sit on the stain for at least 15 minutes. Rinse the stain with warm water and make sure it dries completely. Although white vinegar will take care of nasty smells pet accidents might cause to the carpet, you can boost the effectiveness of your natural treatment with the help of baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount of the ingredient on the stain and in a few hours vacuum clean thoroughly. Baking soda will not only absorb what has left of the mess, but it will also refresh the carpet by eliminating poor smells completely.


Now that you know how to address the most common carpet messes, you can rest assured your rug will stay in top shape for a long time. With these smart cleaning hacks, carpet stains will no longer threaten the aesthetic appearance of your expensive rug.


© PCCL Ltd

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Home


Let's face it - deep cleaning your place is a tedious task that requires a lot of time and effort invested in the process. Surely you have many surfaces to address, but you should know that possible cleaning mistakes make the job even tougher. On the contrary, smart cleaning hacks can help you to clean your home faster and much easier. So if giving your place a good cleanup is what you are planning to do, check these cleaning mistakes you should never make:


Overlooking quality tools - sometimes all you need for cleaning your home effectively is good equipment, which provides the greatest outcome possible. Considering the importance of quality cleaning supplies, ignoring what's best on the market is a no-go. Of course, you shouldn't make your purchases based solely on the price, but in most cases, quality cleaning tools are more expensive than less effective alternatives. Saving money on cleaning tools, however, is a mistake you shouldn't make. Latest innovations, as well as proven manufacturers usually offer top quality that pays off in the long run.


Not maintaining your tools - to grant excellent performance, your cleaning tools should be preserved in excellent condition. One of the worst cleaning mistakes you can make is to forget that your cleaning equipment should be disinfected after each application, otherwise you simply transfer dirt from one surface to another. So once you are done mopping the floor, soak the mop in clean water with a few drops of dishwashing soap. Wash your clothes regularly in the washing machine and make sure your vacuum cleaner's bag is empty before you clean the carpet. As already mentioned, your cleaning sessions would be just as effective as the tools you count on, which is why you should prioritise good maintenance.


Relying solely on chemicals - store-bought cleaning solutions often promise to rid your place of any mess you could ever encounter. In fact, commercial detergents do a wonderful job, but have you ever thought about how they can achieve such amazing results? To be as powerful as promised, these cleaners contain ingredients that might be less than healthy. For that reason, you shouldn't always count on chemical-based products to tackle dirt at home. Instead, consider eco-friendly alternatives that can be also powerful, but not at the expense of your good health. Bought from the store or mixed at home with natural ingredients, green cleaning solutions are safe to use and just as capable of cleaning surfaces to perfection.


Using the wrong approach - when it comes to speed cleaning your place, try to stick to only one technique - cleaning from top to the bottom. That rule should be applied any time you eliminate dust. If you act on the job the other way around, chances are you knock dust from upper surfaces to lower areas you have already cleaned.


Skipping expert help - unfortunately, many homeowners can't always find time to deep clean their premises and this is when calling the pros is the most reasonable solution. Don't make the mistake to let dirt and clutter settle at your place, but find a reliable cleaning company to tackle various chores for you. Whether you need a one-time service or regular appointments sound like the wiser option, taking advantage of expert help is your best bet.


What are some of the main vacuum cleaning mistakes you should avoid?

As we all are living in this 21st century and things are getting advance every single passing day, same like this, there are also some advance cleaning ways through which you can clean your place within minutes and make it spotless. Among the series of them, vacuum cleaners are in the top of the list. Undoubtedly, with the help of vacuum cleaners cleaning is far better and comfortable. What you all need to do is simply put it in the switch and turns it on and there you go. 


But apart from all the good and positive benefits, there are also a few things which become the reason of issues and create cleaning mistake during the time of your cleaning.


We all know that how effective vacuum is during the time of cleaning but apart8 form this fact, the majority of us are unaware that what kind of little mistakes become the reason of our big cleaning mistakes. So to consider this issue, today in this article, I am going to jot down a few main points that create an issue during the time of your vacuum cleaning. 

So after reading this, you can stay away from those mistakes and make you’re cleaning qualitative and reliable without having any serious or major cleaning mistakes. 






One main reason which is highly important to counter here is the vacuum brushes and openings. You guys have no idea about brushes and openings that are dangerous for you as well as for your kids too. So if you are plugin/ switch on your vacuum then make sure that your hairs, clothes, and especially fingers also are away from the openings and brushes from your vacuum. Same guide these instructions to your kids as well, as most of the times a little bit of irresponsibility become the reason of big mistake.





This mistake is also very common, commonly majority of the people do this as they have no idea how harmful and dangerous the results can be. So if you are using the other or any alternative extension cord in your vacuum then do not use it from now on, make sure to use only your vacuum extension cord, as alternative extension cord becomes the reason of fire risks and also damage your vacuum as well. One of the reasons behind this, every extension cord is specifically designed according to its vacuum specifications, so make sure that you are not even trying this at your place.





Another main mistake which people commonly or generally do is stretching/ dragging or pulling the cord from switch. It is also the main cause of danger, due to this electrocution and fire flames can occur, so make sure that you are not pulling your vacuum cord from your switch socket too much. Switching a socket is quite fine and far better than this dragging and pulling process as in switching the way you are safe from any cause of harm and accident.


Another thing which I really want to mention here is to make sure that after vacuuming you turn the switch off from the socket and also make your cord in place not in the socket as this also sometimes become the reason of major incidents especially when you have kids at your place. 





Another mistake that people do is picking the sharp and hard objects from the vacuum. Please do not do this, as it directly affects your vacuum fan blade and easily damages it without asking. Despite having spent a big amount on new vacuum machine or maintenance it is better to take some precautions. So my advice is before going to clean your room, place or any specific area scans it mannerly so it will help you out to prevent your vacuum fan blade and make it durable. 



So the above-mentioned are the most common mistakes which people unintentionally do. Hope so, after reading this article; you guys are fair enough to realise what kind of mistakes you should avoid during the time of your vacuum cleaning.


© PCCL Ltd

5 Things to Consider before hiring a Carpet Cleaning Company

At some point, you will look at your carpet and think that it needs some long-overdue cleaning. Unfortunately, there is little doubt that mere vacuuming won’t do the trick. Your vacuum cleaner is a trusty friend whenever you have to do routine cleaning, but it is hardly an ideal solution for when the area is severely soiled.


In a situation like this, you will need the services of a cleaning company. Booking specialised carpet cleaning services is a fantastic way to ensure the best for your carpet, regardless of what material it is made of. In fact, experts recommend you acquire such service at least two times a year, as a best maintenance practice. But before you rush and get the first company you see on the case, it is a good idea to consider some important factors. Only then can you ensure the best results for your carpet. Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the tips you should follow for picking the best carpet cleaning company.


1. Get some recommendations 

Before you choose a cleaning company, ask around. There is a very high chance that some of your co-workers, neighbours and perhaps even relatives have used the services of one such. Ask them if they were happy with the work and the price at which the company sent their cleaners. After all, if you can get the same company someone else was satisfied with, perhaps you too can benefit from them.


2. Check their history with clients

Checking online reviews and testimonials seems like a logical thing to do when booking cleaning services. However, you should always be a little sceptical about said reviews. For example, you must know that a client who was unhappy with the service is much more likely to leave a bad review than a client who was perfectly satisfied with the service. So instead of checking only current reviews, look for a company that has consistently positive ratings over a long period. That way, you will know their work is good.


3. Satisfaction guarantee

A respectable company knows that if the client is unhappy with the service, then more work needs to be done. That is why every company that means business out there offers a satisfaction guarantee or money-back guarantee. Basically, this means if you are not happy with their service, you can expect them to re-do it for free, or give you back the money you paid. That is a serious incentive for the company to do their best and a fine way to know you will get the job done to a professional standard.


4. What is the equipment they use?

When you book a carpet cleaning service, you need to know the experts can come to your home and make use of some sophisticated tools and methods. Many companies utilise the bare minimum of lightweight cleaning gear, which barely gets the job done. What you want to see is a large carpet cleaning machine, which is enough for a thorough clean. You also want a company that invests in eco-friendly materials to ensure the safety of your home.


5. What level of customer service do they offer?

Many people think this is a minor aspect of working with a cleaning company, but it is a huge deal. If you cannot communicate your requirements and be met with understanding, how can you expect to deal with the cleaners if something goes wrong? 

As you can see, there are a few essential factors to consider when booking with a carpet cleaning company. It is essential to consider them all before you hire the company.


© PCCL Ltd

Quick Carpet Steam Cleaning Tips for spring

Vacuuming is all well and good, but, for your spring cleaning sessions, you might want to consider a steam clean-up as well. If you don’t own a steam cleaning device, you can always buy or rent one, depending on your budget. Efficient and effective at dealing with carpets, hardwood surfaces and tiles, steam cleaning most definitely should be a part of your home clean-up routine on a yearly basis. The process is quite simple, and, once you get used to it, you’ll be able to see a noticeable difference! If you’d like to learn more about steam cleaning, just keep reading!


Steam cleaning carpets your carpets and rugs

Before you break out the steam cleaner, you want to give your carpets and rugs a good old vacuuming. This will help you remove larger debris as well as most traces of pet hair, lint and dirt.

  • Move all furniture out of the way
  • Empty and clean you vacuum for the best results
  • Make sure you really get into those difficult-to-reach corners
  • Give everything a second pass

After that, you can start prepping your steam cleaner. Begin by pouring a tiny bit of your cleaning solution into a bucket of hot water and let it mix well. Rub it on a small, usually hidden part of your carpet and give it 10-15 minutes. If you notice no discolouration, you’re good to go! If that’s not the case, however, and there appears to be an adverse effect, dilute your solution a bit more and give it another shot. You don’t want to damage your surfaces! If there are still severe reactions to your cleaner, you might want to look into a different brand. Keep in mind that some carpets will simply refuse to tolerate certain cleaners.


Once you’re certain that your cleaning solution is safe for use, fill your steam cleaner’s tank by following the instructions to the letter. This varies from device to device, as well as solution to solution. Make sure that you’re using gloves and that no cleaner gets in contact with your unprotected skin or clothes.


Get cleaning

Steam cleaners are not unlike upright vacuums. They tend to have a trigger or handle, which is used to release the cleaning solution onto the surface, as you slide the appliance forward. Familiarise yourself with the control scheme of your device before you begin.


The steam cleaning process:

Clean your rooms from the point farthest away from the door and work your way to the exit. This will allow you to save time and efforts on having to redo things you’ve already cleaned. In case you encounter any especially stubborn stains, don’t hesitate to give them a second touch-up. If you’re dealing with multiple large rooms, you would want to keep an eye on the clean water tank, so you know when you should change the water.


The Finishing Touches

While your carpet is still wet, you want to avoid stepping on it at all costs. If you end up soaking the pad below the carpet, you might end up having to deal with mould and other nasty side-effects. Furthermore, dust and debris will have an exceptionally easy time sticking and clinging on to your carpet, sabotaging your cleaning efforts. To help your carpet dry out faster, you could open the window (if the outside temperature permits it) or use a small heater fan.


© PCCL Ltd

A Guide on Removing Paint from the Carpet


You don’t have to be an art person, to get a paint stain on your carpet at home. All it takes is your children being rather inventive, or perhaps a handyman being clumsy during redecoration. Assuming that you don’t want some paint reminder of the incident on your carpet, you best learn how to address the issue, before it is too late.

The carpet cleaning technique you are going to employ largely depends on the type of paint. There are 2 types: wet and dry paint. Based on what sort of stain you are up against, you will want to follow a different procedure.

Cleaning wet paint out of the carpet

Your best bet is starting the cleaning procedure as soon as possible. The more wet paint stays on the carpet, the more it can penetrate the fibres. Prolonging the cleaning procedure may lead to the stain becoming permanent. Here is the cleaning process you should follow:

Grab a paper towel and try to soak up as much of the paint as possible. That way you will prevent it from setting in. Use the blotting technique, instead of rubbing the stain in. This is very important because you want the paint out. Rubbing it will only push the paint deeper into the carpet fibres.

Make a mixture of white vinegar with warm water and spray it on the stain. Dab at it with a clean cloth, until you see the stain lifting. Clean any remaining residue with plain water.

Allow the stained area to dry well and put your vacuum cleaner to good use. The goal is to remove all of the minor paint flakes stuck within the fibres.

Cleaning dried paint on the carpet

Sometimes you don’t notice paint on the carpet, until it has dried off. While it is true this makes things considerably harder for you, there are still a few things to try. Here is a basic cleaning process you can follow:

Use a blunt knife to scrape off as much of the paint as you can. Be very careful, as you don’t want to damage the fibres.

Vacuum up the area when you are done with the first step. This will remove the dried paint flakes.

Create a cleaning solution out of 1 cup hot water and 1 teaspoon washing up liquid. Scrub the stained area with a stiff brush. Do this until you notice the stain is lifting.

Rinse the area with water and let it dry.

These two methods work best when you don’t wait too long to take action. As with pretty much every stain out there, cleaning paint is a matter of taking the right steps at the right time. Now that you have the right technique, you should be able to deal with the problem without too much trouble.

At PCCL Ltd we have more working strategies to help you clean your carpet. Give us a call on 020 8884 9148 for more information


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Source: http://www.professional-carpet-cleaning-london.co.uk