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Keep the Carpet Dust-free for Longer with These Six Tips


Carpets are beautiful and ensure extra cosiness at home, but they can be extremely tough to maintain, especially if you have a shaggy carpet installed. If you think about it, constantly trapping dust is one of your carpet’s greatest disadvantages.

To keep your gorgeous carpet free from dust for longer, use these clever dust-managing approaches:

Vacuum clean often

If minimising dust on the carpet is on your agenda, you should take out the vacuum cleaner as regularly as possible. By vacuum cleaning routinely, you can reduce not only the carpet’s exposure to dust but also prevent fibre damage contamination may cause. While vacuuming, ensure you address any nook of the carpet and always take time to do the job effectively. If someone makes a mess on the carpet, vacuum clean it immediately to avoid carpet staining. In case you live with small kids or pets, vacuum cleaning at least twice or three times a week is a must. In other cases, weekly vacuuming should be enough to keep dust off the carpet.

Clean hard surfaces just as often

Hard surfaces surrounding your carpet trap just as much dust, and if left untended for a long time, dust will eventually land on the carpet. To avoid extra dust on the carpet, don’t forget to address hard surfaces regularly. You don’t have to use a chemical agent to wipe the dust from hard surfaces at home – a microfiber cloth is all you need to keep well-tended areas clean. Wipe the shelves, the TV, and the coffee table with a microfiber cloth at least once a week to keep the carpet dust-free for longer.

Reduce clutter

You may not realise it, but all your belongings are prone to trapping dust to some extent. When it comes to clutter-makers, you should reduce those to a minimum so that the carpet stays dust-free. Stick to a minimalistic lifestyle, and you will have to spend much less time cleaning the carpet.

Don’t walk on the carpet with the shoes on

If you are used to stepping on the clean carpet with your outdoor footwear, this is a habit you need to change as soon as possible. Dirt tracked from the outside will likely cause severe carpet staining and more dust than you can imagine. To keep carpeted floors looking their best, banish grimy shoes from them and use soft, clean slippers instead.

Invest in an air purifier

Another smart method to maintain the carpet free from dust is a quality air purifier. The device is meant to capture and eliminate dust, preventing it from landing on the carpet. Many factors can cause dust in the air at home, but once you notice the pollutant floating around for days, purchasing an air purifier should go on your to-do list. In addition to keeping the carpet dust-free, with the help of an air purifier, you will also be able to boost the quality of indoor air.

Book a professional carpet cleaning service

All DIY carpet cleaning techniques work wonders to banish dust from the carpet, yet expert cleaners should do their magic from time to time. Professional carpet cleaners own the equipment to pull out deeply embedded dust that a regular vacuum cleaner would have difficulty eliminating. Furthermore, the pros can take care of germs and bacteria hiding in your beautiful carpeted floors. You should benefit from a professional carpet cleaning service once or twice a year to ensure your carpet is ideally clean.

Dust is a tough pollutant to eliminate, but you can take smart actions and significantly minimise your carpet’s exposure to contamination.


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