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A Guide on Removing Paint from the Carpet


You don’t have to be an art person, to get a paint stain on your carpet at home. All it takes is your children being rather inventive, or perhaps a handyman being clumsy during redecoration. Assuming that you don’t want some paint reminder of the incident on your carpet, you best learn how to address the issue, before it is too late.

The carpet cleaning technique you are going to employ largely depends on the type of paint. There are 2 types: wet and dry paint. Based on what sort of stain you are up against, you will want to follow a different procedure.

Cleaning wet paint out of the carpet

Your best bet is starting the cleaning procedure as soon as possible. The more wet paint stays on the carpet, the more it can penetrate the fibres. Prolonging the cleaning procedure may lead to the stain becoming permanent. Here is the cleaning process you should follow:

Grab a paper towel and try to soak up as much of the paint as possible. That way you will prevent it from setting in. Use the blotting technique, instead of rubbing the stain in. This is very important because you want the paint out. Rubbing it will only push the paint deeper into the carpet fibres.

Make a mixture of white vinegar with warm water and spray it on the stain. Dab at it with a clean cloth, until you see the stain lifting. Clean any remaining residue with plain water.

Allow the stained area to dry well and put your vacuum cleaner to good use. The goal is to remove all of the minor paint flakes stuck within the fibres.

Cleaning dried paint on the carpet

Sometimes you don’t notice paint on the carpet, until it has dried off. While it is true this makes things considerably harder for you, there are still a few things to try. Here is a basic cleaning process you can follow:

Use a blunt knife to scrape off as much of the paint as you can. Be very careful, as you don’t want to damage the fibres.

Vacuum up the area when you are done with the first step. This will remove the dried paint flakes.

Create a cleaning solution out of 1 cup hot water and 1 teaspoon washing up liquid. Scrub the stained area with a stiff brush. Do this until you notice the stain is lifting.

Rinse the area with water and let it dry.

These two methods work best when you don’t wait too long to take action. As with pretty much every stain out there, cleaning paint is a matter of taking the right steps at the right time. Now that you have the right technique, you should be able to deal with the problem without too much trouble.

At PCCL Ltd we have more working strategies to help you clean your carpet. Give us a call on 020 8884 9148 for more information


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Source: http://www.professional-carpet-cleaning-london.co.uk